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AvSport of Lock Haven -- 353 Proctor Street, Lock Haven PA 17745

EAA Webinars

In his volunteer capacity as an FAA Safety Team Lead Representative, Prof. H. Paul Shuch has provided via this website thousands of pages of aviation training material, incorporated into the dozens of webinar videos linked below. This material is freely offered on a strictly non-commercial basis. Pilots, students, and flight instructors are encouraged to view and widely distribute this material in the interest of improving flying skills and reducing accidents, provided that no charge is made for viewing the materials, or attending classes, meetings, or safety seminars in which they may be presented.

AvSport's Chief Flight Instructor, Prof. H. Paul Shuch, presents bimonthly safety seminars online, under the auspices of the Experimental Aircraft Association, as well as quarterly ones for the FAA Safety Team. You can register for these webinars online, and watch them in real time, or you can view videos of many of them in the archives below.

Patreon link
Support Prof. Shuch's free safety seminars and webinars, and receive valuable premiums.

  1.    12 Sep 2013: Stepping Up to Light Sport Aircraft
  2.    27 Nov 2013: LSA and Experimental Maintenance (who can do what to whom)
  3.    13 Feb 2014: LSA Documentation (what's in your logbooks?)
  4.    24 Apr 2014: Care and Feeding of the Rotax 912
  5.    09 Oct 2014: Category & Class: adding privileges under Sport Pilot rules
  6.    29 Jan 2015: Aircraft Weight and Balance
  7.    19 Mar 2015: Mastering Radio Communications
  8.    30 Apr 2015: How to Buy a Used Light Sport Aircraft
  9.    09 Jul 2015: Tips for Making Great Landings in a Light Sport Airplane
  10.    17 Sep 2015: What's the Spin on Stalls?
  11.    12 Nov 2015: Precession Precision: Taming Turning Tendency
  12.    14 Jan 2016: Navigating the FAA IACRA Website
  13.    24 Mar 2016: Reviewing the Flight Review
  14.    12 May 2016: Anatomy of a Near Midair Collision
  15.    14 Jul 2016: Airspace Ace: Sampling the Alphabet Soup
  16.    15 Sep 2016: Droning On: Safe and Successful Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
  17.    10 Nov 2016: How to Fly a Perfect Traffic Pattern
  18.    12 Jan 2017: Where's My Flying Car?
  19.    06 Mar 2017: The Ins and Outs of ADS-B
  20.    11 May 2017: I'm SAFE: Reviewing the Pilot's Preflight Inspection Checklist
  21.    12 Jul 2017: Gauges to Glass: Transitioning to 21st Century Avionics
  22.    9 Aug 2017: Rotax 912 - Outside the Box (with Mike Busch)
  23.    13 Sep 2017: ADS-B Revisited: The 2020 Odyssey Continues
  24.    08 Nov 2017: Weather Or Not: a brief review of pilot's meteorological decision making
  25.    10 Jan 2018: Preflight Delight: look before you launch
  26.    14 Mar 2018: What TBO Really Means -- or, why I bought a whole new airplane
  27.    9 May 2018: Four Fundamentals of Flight: Breaking it Down to the Basics
  28.    17 Jul 2018: Get Out Of Dodge! Preparing for cross-country flight
  29.    12 Sep 2018: VFR Navigation: Three Keys to the Kingdom
  30.    14 Nov 2018: Charting Your Course: Deciphering the VFR Sectional Aeronautical Chart
  31.    9 January 2019: Less than Ideal: Short Field, Soft Field, and Obstacle Operations
  32.    13 March 2019: First Flight, No Fright: all about discovery flights and introductory lessons
  33.    8 May 2019: How to Fail your FAA Knowledge Test
  34.    10 July 2019: Adventures in Examining: one DPE confesses all
  35.    11 September 2019: Staying Current: where rules and skills combine
  36.    20 November 2019: Crew Resource Management
  37.    8 January 2020: Transportation Security and You
  38.    11 March 2020: Stabilized Approaches and Go-Arounds
  39.    13 May 2020: Operation at Towered Airports
  40.    8 July 2020: Fast Track to Experimental
  41.    9 September 2020: Keeping your Rotax 912 Alive
  42.    11 November 2020: True, or Magnetic?
  43.    13 January 2021: Surviving Carbon Monoxide
  44.    10 March 2021: Pushing Past TBO
  45.    12 May 2021: IFR in an LSA - is it safe? Is it legal?
  46.    14 July 2021: Get Your Gas In Gear - preventing misfueling accidents
  47.    8 September 2021: Avoiding Carburetor Icing - a cool pilot's guide to carb heat
  48.    10 November 2021: Dude, Where's My Oil Pressure? - a case of Maintenance Induced Failure
  49.    12 January 2022: Ground Reference Maneuvers - practicing precision patterns
  50.    9 March 2022: Shiny Side Up - avoiding spatial disorientation
  51.    11 May 2022: Out After Dark - a pilot's guide to flight at night
  52.    13 July 2022: Squawk Talk - all about radar and transponders
  53.    14 September 2022: Crosswind Conundrum - when winds and runway don't align
  54.    6 November 2022: Talk To The Tower - communicating in controlled airspace
  55.    8 March 2023: Aw, Chute! - parachute potential and canopy concerns
  56.    10 May 2023: A Look at Clouds (from both sides now)
  57.    12 July 2023: How to Ground an Aircraft
  58.    13 September 2023: Dealbreakers - lessons learned from prebuy examinations
  59.    8 November 2023: Cloudy With A Chance of PIREPs - only you can present pilot reports!
  60.    10 January 2024: Chilly Checklist: Preheat Complete
  61.    13 March 2024: Jumpers Away! seeing and avoiding skydivers
  62.    8 May 2024: Slip Slidin' Away - all about uncoordinated flight
  63.    10 July 2024: CFIT - Controlled Flight Into Terrain
  64.    18 September 2024: Safe Aircraft Ground Operations
  65.    13 November 2024: Scanning the Gauges - surviving VFR into IMC (pending)

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This page last updated 23 September 2024
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