Series-to-parallel conversion in reverse Polish notation. MicroWaves 14(7): 62, July 1975.
A cost-effective modular downconverter for S-band WEFAX reception. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 25(12): 1127-1131, December 1977.
Vidiot's guide to microwave TV. MicroWaves 18(6): 40-46, June 1979.
Radian review. RF Design 9(3): 57-58, March 1986.
A new approach to collision avoidance. Sport Aviation 36(6): 26-28, June 1987.
Collision avoidance - engineering considerations for aircraft. Sport Aviation 37(1): 25-28, January 1988.
A proximity warning system for light aircraft. RF Design 11(5): 43-53, May 1988.
Interstage coupling with an edge-coupled line. RF Design 12(6): 52-55, June 1989.
General aviation collision avoidance alternatives. Journal of Transportation Engineering 115(5): 474-492, September 1989.
The flight instructor's role in midair collision avoidance. AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor's Safety Report 18(3): 5-7+16, July 1992.
The influence of flight experience on midair collision risk perception. Accident Analysis and Prevention 24(6): 655-660, October 1992.
TCA incursion trends: a statistical analysis. AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor's Safety Report 19(2): 7 - 11, April 1993.
Fiber optics in amateur radio. Communications Quarterly, 5(2): 9-15, Spring 1995.
Orbital analysis by sleight of hand. Communications Quarterly, 5(3): 35-42, Summer 1995.
Backyard SETI. Mercury 25(2):28, March - April 1996.
Optical SETI and the Arecibo Myth. In Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in the Optical Spectrum II, SPIE Proc. Vol. 2704: 80 - 91, May 1996.
SETI made simple: what can we do? Communications Quarterly, 6(2): 89-95, Spring 1996.
Project Argus and the challenge of real-time all-sky SETI. in Astronomical and Biochemical Origins and the Search for Life in the Universe, 693 -700, IAU, January 1997.
Participatory SETI: A model for public involvement. Scientific and Cultural Aspects of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: 14, SETI Australia Centre, January 1998.
Project Argus: a global search for our cosmic companions. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 52(7/8):276-285, July/August 1999.
Looking for company. New Scientist (2232): 48-49, 1 April 2000.
One hundred up, 4900 to go! A Project ARGUS update. 51st International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAA-00-IAA.9.1.04, IAF, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, October 2000.
Standards of proof for the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence. In Bioastronomy 99: A New Era in Bioastronomy: 628 - 634, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Volume 213, 2000.
Array2k: sixteen dishes, five designs. 52nd International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAA-01-IAA.9.1.02, IAF, Toulouse France, October 2001.
The only game in town. Future Generations Forum, World Future Society, September 2002.
Publisher's Page. Contact In Context 1(1), September 2002.
The Very Small Array: proof-of-concept for Array2k. 53rd World Space Congress Preprints: IAC-02-IAA.9.1.02, IAF, Houston TX, October 2002.
Ponderous peer review. Contact In Context 1(2), April 2003.
Considering cosmic CONELRAD. Contact In Context 1(2), April 2003.
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The Futurist 37(3):52-55, May-June 2003.
SETI sneak attack: lessons learned from the Pearl Harbor Hoax. 54th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-03-IAA.9.2.03, Bremen Germany, October 2003.
The only game in town. Journal of Futures Studies (Taiwan) 8(3):55-60, February 2004.
Multiband reconfigurable synthetic aperture radar antenna. Proceedings of the 2004 Earth Science Technology Conference: B1P1, NASA, June 2004.
Winning the SETI Olympiad: the role of the dedicated amateur. 55th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-04-IAA., IAF, Vancouver BC Canada, October 2004.
Quantifying our ignorance. Contact In Context 2(1), 2004.
Winning the SETI Olympiad: The Role of the Dedicated Amateur. Contact In Context 2(1), 2004.
One Hundred Up, 4900 to Go! A Project Argus Update. Contact In Context 2(1), 2004.
Updating the multiband reconfigurable synthetic aperture radar antenna. Proceedings of the 2005 Earth-Sun System Technology Conference: B5P1, NASA, June 2005.
The San Marino Scale: a new analytical tool for assessing transmission risk, (with Ivan Almar). 56th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-05-A4.1.01, IAF, Fukuoka Japan, October 2005.
Testing a claim of extraterrestrial technology, (with Allen Tough). 56th International Astronautical Congress Reprints: IAC-05-A4.2.09, IAF, Fukuoka Japan, October 2005.
Built from unobtainium: an ATDM multiband reconfigurable synthetic aperture radar antenna. Proceedings of the 2006 Earth-Sun System Technology Conference: B6P1, NASA, June 2006.
Updating the San Marino Scale (with Ivan Almar). 57th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-06-A4.1.01, IAF, Valencia Spain, October 2006.
Publisher's page: Twelve Years and Counting. Contact In Context 2(2), 2006.
The San Marino Scale: a new analytical tool for assessing transmission risk (with Ivan Almar). Academy Transactions Note, Acta Astronautica 60(1): 57-59, January 2007.
Shouting in the jungle: the SETI transmission debate (with Ivan Almar). Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 60(4):142-146, April 2007.
Testing a claim of extraterrestrial technology (with Allen Tough). Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 60(4):154-156, April 2007.
The SETI transmission debate (abstract). Astrobiology 7(3): 529-530, June 2007.
Quantifying Past Transmissions Using the San Marino Scale (with Ivan Almar). 58th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-07-A4.2.04, IAF, Hyderabad, India, September 2007.
Introduction to SETI science and technology. 59th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-08-A4.1.01, IAF, Glasgow, Scotland, October 2008.
Correcting for interdependence of terms in the San Marino Scale (with Jamie Riggs). 59th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-08-A4.2.04, IAF, Glasgow, Scotland, October 2008.
Aliens among us: learning disability as an analog for extraterrestrial intelligence. 59th International Astronautical Congress Preprints: IAC-08-A4.2.08, IAF, Glasgow, Scotland, October 2008.
Sputnik and SETI: uniting East and West. Space Chronicle, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 61(Suppl 2):89-92, 2008.