"Spend 8 hours with H. Paul Shuch. You'll be smarter for the experience." Robert B. Cooper
Author and publisher![]()
"It appears you are fast becoming a leader in sport/LSA training." Paul Hamilton, CFI
Designated Pilot Examiner (SPE/SPIE/PE)![]()
"We are glad to have you at the airport." Richard W. Marcenkevage
City Manager, City of Lock Haven PA![]()
"Thank you, Paul, for taking the initiative to open this light sport flying school, and for teaching me the skills I needed to accomplish my dream." Keith McAndrew
newly licensed Sport Pilot![]()
"I have learned a lot from your postings and I hope you do not change your level of participation on the forum. I have also learned a lot from your website. I wish I were in your area; I'd love to fly with you! Aviation, and light sport aviation in particular, needs more folks like you. Thanks!" Dave L.
SportPilotTalk participant![]()
"You sir...are a wealth of REALLY GOOD information!!! I wish I lived closer to PA!!!!" Michigan pilot
"I want to tell you that you're an asset on this forum for us beginning pilots and all your posts are genuine and informative. I really appreciate your insights! Very happy you also saved me $80 on the Gleim materials which went right to a headset. Thanks!! This flying experience is probably the most satisfying thing I've ever done. It still hasn't sunk in that I can fly a plane and am going to become a pilot." Todd
SportPilotTalk participant![]()
"Paul is a catalyst. If he's in the room, you'll have a lively discussion. I miss his frequent visits to my office, as every day he had something supremely interesting to tell me. But I am still lucky to see him monthly at our regional pilots' meeting, where he gives FAA Safety presentations and makes us think twice about everything we do." Geoff Knauth
Civil Air Patrol pilot![]()
"I have always been impressed by Dr. Shuch's creative innovation and his engineering depth and knowledge." Jack Unger
former student and colleague![]()
"Paul is a dynamic and highly effective leader. He can tackle large projects and get them done ahead of time and under budget" John Marcus, MD
former colleague![]()
"Paul Shuch is a dedicated professional who addresses any technical program in an exemplary, energetic and competent manner." Dr. Gareth Knowles
former employer![]()
"Paul is a genius with talents in multiple directions. I am constantly amazed by his breadth of abilities. I only hope when I grow up that I will be like him. He is a role model and friend. He does all this with modesty and humility. Simply amazing!" Dr. Rachel Tortolini
colleague and fellow Mensan![]()
"Professor Shuch is an excellent teacher, helping his students to understand the aerodynamics and reasons behind proper and safe flight operations." Matt Hoppes
pre-solo student pilot![]()
"You are much more detailed than the Evektor Sportstar checklist or my previous training has been... Your teaching background is a valuable asset." Mel Bole
post-solo student pilot![]()
"Dr. Shuch's dynamic teaching style was truly impressive, thanks largely to his interdisciplinary teaching approach. When introducing a new idea, Dr. Shuch would explain the subject in a variety of ways... Articulate and engaging, his command of the material was clearly first-rate." Garrett Williams
former student![]()
"The most striking aspect of Dr. Shuch's teaching is his ability to make esoteric, dull material seem fascinating. Dr. Shuch's unconventional teaching style was always a nice break from the mundane ... Dr. Shuch always treated me with respect and went to great pains to help me progress, both inside the classroom and out. It's obvious that Dr. Shuch has a didactic edge over his colleagues. Dr. Shuch appreciates erudition in all forms, and though many professors are highly specialized, Dr. Shuch is special. He's a brilliant teacher. His methods are unique; his knowledge is superb and I'd recommend him to any[one]." Adam Hughes
former student![]()
"I knew from the first class I had with Paul he was going to be demanding and informative. Paul taught with charisma and enthusiasm which made learning fun. Outside the classroom Paul would go the extra mile." Wayne Patrick
former student![]()
"I have met some of his past students. All speak most highly of him and are very appreciative of the support and education he has provided them." Prof. Allen Katz
The College of New Jersey![]()
"I have no hesitation in saying he is one of the very best educators I have ever seen." Prof. Allen Tough
University of Toronto
If you can drive, you can fly!
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