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DPE Services through AvSport LLC -- Hangar B6, Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9), Hollister CA

Aircraft and Equipment Required for the Practical Test/Proficiency Check

The applicant for a Sport Pilot Certificate is required in accordance with 14 CFR part 61, section 61.45, to provide an aircraft that has a current airworthiness certificate and is in a condition for safe flight, for use during the practical test or proficiency check. This section further requires that the aircraft must:

  1. be of U.S., foreign or military registry of the same category, class, and type, if applicable, for the certificate or privileges for which the applicant is applying;
  2. have fully functioning dual controls, except as provided for in 14 CFR part 61, section 61.45(c), (e), and (f); and
  3. be capable of performing all AREAS OF OPERATION appropriate to the privileges sought and have no operating limitations, which prohibit its use in any of the AREAS OF OPERATION, required for the practical test or proficiency check.
  4. have an altitude, airspeed, and a heading indicating system, as appropriate, for all tasks that require demonstration of skill within an altitude/airspeed/heading tolerance.

Applicants will be asked to present the following aircraft documentation during the Practical Test:

Since it is generally considered undesirable to carry aircraft maintenance logbooks in flight, applicants are encouraged to provide legible photocopies where applicable.

The aircraft utilized for sport pilot and sport pilot flight instructor practical tests and proficiency checks must be a light-sport aircraft as defined in 14 CFR part 1.

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Copyright © AvSport LLC, a subsidiary of Microcomm Consulting
This page last updated 18 July 2024
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