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>DPE Services through AvSport LLC -- Hangar B6, Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9), Hollister CA

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Entire Website Copyright © 2018 - 2024 by AvSport LLC, an affiliate of Microcomm Consulting. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form, tangible or virtual.  
AvSpor LLC and the AvSport logo (consisting of the word "AvSport" in Bank Gothic Bold Italic font, with the top of the capital letter S extending to the right and terminating in a graphical representation of a low-wing light sport airplane banking right and flying from left to right) are Trademarks and Service Marks of AvSport LLC, a subsidiary of Microcomm Consulting, protected in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks appearing on the Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.  
The Fine Print:

AvSport LLC and Microcomm Consulting hereby disclaim all warranties as to the contents of the SportPilotExaminer.US world wide web site (the "server") such as documents, programs, images, sounds and so on (such materials in the server are here under called the "materials"), including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement on any rights of a third party. AvSport LLC and Microcomm Consulting assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content on the server. Please note that the materials on the server may be changed, updated or discontinued from time to time without notice.

Aviation information, aircraft documents, and flight training materials presented on this website are provided for educational purposes only. Federal Aviation Regulations govern all flight training activities in the US, and in all cases take precedence over materials presented herein.

Aviation is, by its nature, potentially a hazardous activity. Users of this website assume full responsibility for their own safety. No information presented herein is intended as a replacement for adequate training with a qualified flight instructor.

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If you can drive, you can fly!
Copyright © AvSport LLC, a subsidiary of Microcomm Consulting
This page last updated 1 September 2024
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