Stolen Holidays October 1996

You see it everywhere. The death of common sense. Or maybe as the quote goes, "Common sense isn't so common." On Oct. 31, the elementary students at Round Hills are going to be dressed in their finest red, white, and blue clothes. "What?" you ask. Check your calendars. We are going to have another "All-American" patriotic celebration. Bring on the tanks and the flags. Apparently because three parents took their children out of school last year on Halloween, (devil worship, you know,) the parade committee sent home a notice that:

"During the 1996-97 school year we at Round Hills will highlight our wonderful United States of America. Assemblies, classroom projects, and theme weeks are among the activities being planned. Our kickoff activity will be a patriotic parade on Thursday, October 31.(This is instead of our Halloween costume parade.) We are encouraging staff and students to wear red, white, and blue or possibly dress as a favorite or respected American personality, past, or present. Families are encouraged to come to watch our parade which will begin at 2:30. We're excited about our American theme and are happy to be able to incorporate it into this parade."

I can just imagine the scene in our area homes. "Mommy, Mommy, can you make me look like Brooke Shields?" "Gee, I wonder if K-Mart has a Rush Limbaugh costume?" or "No dear, I'm sorry, you can't go as Cookie Monster. The school says the that monsters are Un-American." And in the schools, " No ma'am, This isn't a troll costume. I'm Henry Kissinger." and indignant little boys saying, "I am a 'street person', not a hobo."

And you better watch it with the immigrants and Native American costumes. You might offend somebody! We won't be able to tell the Ruth Bader Ginsburghs from the Betsy Rosses. Lets face it. American history is short and bland when compared to the richness of mythology and ancient history. It offers very few women (recognizable to an elementary girl) as role models. My son who loves Medieval (European, of course) history has threatened to dress as Abraham Lincoln, after the shooting. I personally will miss the butterflies and the lions, the fairy princesses and the robots. And the only clowns will be the parents and teachers who have gotten so politically correct they have forgotten how to have fun.

I urge you to take your children out of school that day in protest of the blanding of America. After all, most of our holidays were stolen from pagan celebrations. I hope that on Oct. 31, the schools are filled with Dead Kennedys, Hollywood bimbos and historically inaccurate Pocahantases. The parade committee deserves no less. Oliver Stone would love it.

Apparently this is happening all over. See email from another mother, below:

Our school district nixed all holiday parties. You could have a party in class if you can work it into the curriculum. This is so ridiculous! They do not want to take any time away from academics. Our book fair is being held during the evening and on Saturday. Our Santa Shop, where the children would do their own holiday shopping, is being held on a Saturday instead of during school hours. I would like to add that the children learn decision making, money skills, and store etiquette while at the Santa Shop. I guess preparing children for life experiences is not part of the curriculum. Go figure!

My son is so upset about the parade! He wanted to show off his costume. We live in a rural area so he won't be able to show off his costume this way. I told him he was still able to have a Halloween party but that was changed to a party the Friday before Halloween and guess what, no costumes. He was crying. The class should come dressed in black and orange. (what fun)

As a former teacher I feel exploring and participating in as many cultural events and holidays is educational and fun. School should be fun. Life should be fun! Many children do not get chances at home to experience different things. Schools are there to educate. Education comes in many forms. Just because something is fun doesn't mean the children aren't learning.

I'm sorry for the rambling but sometimes I get fed up with all the nonsense. Why do school officials think boring and dull means a better education?

Dr. Mom's note: The principal gave my children "unexcused absences", even though my note explained that we were celebrating free speech.  Since then, they have also turned the annual Read-In Night, into "Family Fun Night."   No mention of books or reading. Maybe they might offend someone.

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