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DPE Services through AvSport LLC -- Hangar B6, Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9), Hollister CA

Practical Test and Administrative Function Fees

Designated Pilot Examiners are not FAA employees. Rather, we are independent contractors authorized by the FAA to act on behalf of the Administrator in ensuring that all certification standards are met. As such, we are free to set our own fees for our services. Thus, we encourage applicants to shop around when selecting an examiner (remember, we work for you). A searchable listing of FAA-authorized Designated Pilot Examiners is available here.

Our basic fee for a Sport Pilot Practical Examination is $900, payable by cash or chip-enabled credit or debit card. (I'm sorry, we are not able to accept personal checks at this time.) This fee is payable at the beginning of the scheduled examination session.

We encourage all applicants to submit their FAA Form 8710-11 application forms electronically, via the FAA Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) website. Should the applicant elect to submit his or her application in hardcopy (paper) form, because of the additional DPE time and paperwork this will entail, our examiner will need to charge an additional fee of $200, also payable at the beginning of the examination schedule.

As indicated below, fees for Sport CFI applicants are slightly higher.

AvSport is in the process of relocating to the Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9), Hollister CA. Once our move is completed, applicants will be welcome to fly to our facility for their practical exam. Should the applicant prefer our DPE to travel to his or her location to conduct the examination, the applicant is expected to reimburse the examiner's reasonable travel expenses, at the current Government rates outlined here.

In the event of unsatisfactory performance on the part of a Sport Pilot applicant (that is, a disapproval), the examiner's fee for a scheduled retest (within sixty days) will be discounted below our standard rate, to just $600. In the event that the practical examination must be discontinued for circumstances beyond the applicant's control (such as inclement weather, illness of the applicant or the examiner, mechanical issues, or an actual inflight emergency), a retest may be rescheduled (within 60 days) at a reduced examiner's fee of $500. (These fees do not include reasonable DPE travel costs, if applicable).

Fees for our additional DPE services, including various FAA Administrative Certification functions, are also summarized in the table below. Please note that all fees are subject to change without notice, so please inquire about current fees when you contact us to schedule.

Fee Summary

Sport Pilot Initial Practical Test$900payable by cash or chip-enabled credit card
Sport Pilot Retest$600if completed within 60 days of a disqualification
Sport Pilot Retest$500if completed within 60 days of a discontinuance
Sport CFI Initial Practical Test$1,200payable by cash or chip-enabled credit card
Sport CFI Retest$600if completed within 60 days of a disqualification
Sport CFI Retest$500if completed within 60 days of a discontinuance
Paper Application Processing Fee$200waived if using IACRA
Sport Pilot Category/Class Proficiency Check$500if Recommending Instructor completes 8710-11
Personal Assistance Setting up IACRA Account$200
Student Pilot Certificate Processing Fee$50
Remote Pilot Certificate Processing Fee$50
CFI Renewal Processing Fee$50requires that CFI prepare renewal application via IACRA
All other Administrative Certification Functions$100Applicant must provide all necessary documentation

Please note that the above fees are subject to change without notice. Please confirm the current fees with your selected Designated Pilot Examiner when you call to schedule your checkride or Administrative Certification Function.

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Copyright © AvSport LLC, a subsidiary of Microcomm Consulting
This page last updated 1 September 2024
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