Devin's Home Page

Visitor  since  1998


Summer of '96- Devin 2002:

Hello. I am Devin Bailey. I am in 9th grade at Williamsport.
My favorite games are Starcraft and Everquest. I love art, even though my hands don't always do what I want them to do. I have participated in Odyssey of the Mind for two years.


My best friend is Daniel Opdahl. He and I play computer games together.   Two of my other friends are two boys who are part of a triplet set!  I help my brother, Curran a lot because he has cerebral palsy.   He can't carry his own books or open his walker up by himself.  I ride the bus with Curran and Erin.  I help Curran off and on.

My parents say I am an angel because I don't like to see my brothers punished, even when they hurt me.

My favorite thing to do is invent.

I think this Magic card is really cute. Do you?


I have a pretty bad learning disability that makes it really hard to copy things or do word search puzzles.   Mom got a message from the Pa. Parent-to Parent group that told her about this college.   It's especially for kids like me.

Mom talks:

September 7, 1996  -   Poor Devin. He fell off the monkey bars yesterday and broke his wrist. I KNEW it even before I saw it. He didn't eat lunch because he felt nauseous. Every experience I had with breaks, as opposed to sprains, involved nausea. And except for when the doctor set it, he didn't cry. He doesn't complain or whine. This is my angel child. I will never forget the sight of those huge tears plopping onto the examining table. He was supposed to go to Daddy's last night, but he wanted to stay with me. Nothing like a Mom when you're hurt. Well, today he went to Grandma's house to play Treasure Cove on her computer. No pain or swelling!

January 17, 1997- I am not happy with how this IST thing is working out. Devin's teacher doesn't seem to notice how good he is with math.  She only criticizes his neatness.  She gave them papers where they had to recopy single sentences into compound ones.   Devin did not have time to do the last three.  She knows that copying is difficult for him, yet she gave him a 70% and made comments about his lack of neatness.  I have requested a Multidisciplinary Evaluation (MDE).   After this team meets we will get him an Individualized Instructional Plan, IEP. Maybe then, she will have a better idea of what she is not supposed to do with him.

February 7, 1997- We had the IST meeting. It turns out, that the teacher did not enter the 70% in the grade book.  He had had extra time to do that paper and refused.  She was trying to scare him into working.  We approve.  Also the teacher has noticed that he is more alert and focused since he is off the stimulant medication and getting extra vitamins.   I am happy because he likes the immune system booster tea.
     We are going to put another IST program in place while gathering the information he needs to get an IEP.  First we have to have a meeting of the MDE team, Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team.  At that time, we will bring all the evaluations done on Devin to try to develop the best IEP (Individualized Education Program) for Devin that we can.
     In the meantime, I am going to have a complete developmental vision screening done on him.  If he has vision problems causing his dyslexia, why can't we use therapy while his brain is still plastic enough to benefit?  Our previous attempt with vision training failed, but some people have had great success with it.

March 10, 1997 Went to Dr. Moon, the optometrist. He has no visual problems so now we have to go back for the perceptual tests.  Our wonderful school psychologist, Mrs. Frazier, did find some really weak areas in her visual battery.
 More to come.


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