
The Best Books

(How Dr. Mom got so smart.)

Seven Weeks to Sobriety
by Joan Mathews Larson Ph.D.

She has references for each chapter. I learned from this book that people who don't remember their dreams need more B6.  I have found that it helps Paul and I. And B6 is great for all psychological disturbances, even seasonal affective depression, (SAD).  And amazingly enough, Paul did not have any depressive or angry spells this winter! Even though no one you or I know has a drinking problem, it tells you how to modify and control your own neurotransmitter levels with diet! (A huge number of alcoholics have food allergies.)  Recommended for all who have allergic, depressed, or hyperactive family members.

Is This Your Child?
Is This Your Child's World?
The Impossible Child
and others by Doris Rapp M.D.

Dr. Rapp was a pediatrician who like most clinical ecologists got tired of not being able to help her most sick children. I first saw her on Donahue in 1990 when she was promoting one of her books. She showed tapes of boys screaming, hitting and throwing things. THIS was Bryn they were showing!I watched amazed, as the boys straightened right up when they were given the correct allergy extract. He had already done the Jeckyll and Hyde number right in front of a psychologist after having blue bubble gum. Still, nobody had any answers for me. I begged, threatened, and cried until my then husband let me take the boys up there to here. I took different children home and became a believer.

The Alchemy of Love and Lust
by Theresa L. Crenshaw M.D.

I know the title is titilating, but the publisher made her do it. Her research is great and it had to be punched up to reach a wider audience. If you have ever wondered why men get irritable and then calm down so quickly; if you ever noticed that breast-feeding women are sluggish and dippy, you will love this book.   Want to find out how to bind a man to you forever, read this book.

Your Body Knows Best
Ann Louise Gittleman M.S.

I am very glad she wrote this book. Now I don't have to! Gittleman tells you how to determine what your body needs based on your individual genetics. I have always ranted about how dietary pronouncements don't apply to everybody. Yes, some people need more salt! Read it.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing
by James Balch M.D. and Phyliss Balch C.N.C.

I was taking some new vitamins when this book came out. I had realized that I had more energy than before. I had narrowed it down to one of three things when I picked up this book. I looked up Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Right there on the top of the heading, it said, "Very Important - Egg Yolk Lecithin." That was one of the three! All that detective work, down the drain. I bought it immediately. It is my favorite nutrition book.

Superimmunity for Kids
Galland M.D. and  Buchman M.S.

This book tells you why your child or young adult needs oil supplements.  It describes the differences among families in terms of what type oils they need.  It has recipes in the back.

The New Atkins Diet Book
Robert C. Atkins M.D.

Find out what insulin resistance is and how low fat dieting is making America fatter than ever.  Recipes and practical, biologically sound dieting principals.

Reading is my major  hobby.   Buy these books now.  And if you have one of mine, return it!  :-)

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Updated Jan 2, 1999