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All-Purpose Health Hints by Doctor Mom
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Kids who get motion sickness easily usually are also allergic. It is quite interesting that Dramamine is an antihistamine! Keep small pieces of candied ginger with you when you travel. Even though they might not want to bite them, sucking them will help.
Know your biochemistry. If something is supposed to make people sleepy as a side effect, and you suspect you are hyper, it is likely that the substance may keep you awake! You should know whether you are an anomalous reactor before your antihistamine keeps you up all night.
A well-known medical journal just published a study where people with carpal tunnel syndrome had their blood levels of B6 checked. Because their levels were "normal", the authors concluded that B6 doesn't help carpal tunnel syndrome! Hello, did these people ever have logic training? The ONLY valid conclusion is that blood tests can't diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome!
I advocate the "Caveman Diet". Meats, nuts, vegetables and fruit. (Our family is allergic to all grains.) Since Americans have gone crazy for complex carbohydrates (grains), we have gotten more obese. Diabetes is epidemic. We are not cattle; our systems have not evolved to live on grain. There are several good books on it, if you can't find The Zone, try the Protein Power book by the Drs. Eades. Healthy for Life by the Drs. Heller is good is you can't give up carbs entirely, and the original Atkins diet has been around for a long time. Read Your Body Knows Best by Gittleman for an understanding of how your genetic heritage affects your diet. I am glad she wrote this, so now I don't have to!
Why put oils and lotions on your skin? Do you put oil onto the hood of your car? Put it inside where your body can send it to where it needs it. Never use products which contain mineral oil. It is absorbed through the skin, dumped into the lymphatic system, then into the intestine. All your oil-soluble vitamins, (A,D,K, and E) will follow the oil right into the toilet.
Headaches are NOT normal. They are unfortunately becoming typical. Try to identify the cause of your headaches and treat it without using medications. Nature gives you pain and fever for a reason. Honor it. Unless the fever is making you absolutely miserable, let the fever do what it was designed for... to burn the virus out of your body. Contact your doctor if the fever goes above 103 F.
Chlorine residues which cause liver cancers are found in bleached flour and sugar.     Am. J. Toxicology- May 95
According to TB Brazelton, quoting a dental journal, children who were thumb suckers had no need for braces in excess of the non-suckers. In fact, thumb sucking widened the hard palate and decreased the need for braces. I see thumb sucking as genetic in origin. Perhaps a sensory integration need? Thumbsuckers are usually better at calming and "centering" themselves.
If I were queen you would need a prescription to get a soft drink!
When good oils get old they become bad oils. If it smells rancid, it is. Rancid oils interfere with absorption of good oils. Throw out those old sunflower seeds.
Cross reactions are fairly common. If you're allergic to egg, you should also be cautious with chicken. People who are ragweed sensitive should be careful with melons. Milk and soy cross-react, as does aspirin and ibuprofen.
Pectin (like in apple skins) and other fibers reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterols.
Fruit juice, without the pulp to slow it down, gets absorbed so quickly into the blood, you get a terrible high blood sugar peak, with a subsequent crash. That sugar high causes your pancreas to pour out insulin which pulls all the glucose (blood sugar) out of the system and turns it into fat. Then comes the crash and more hunger. Juice should be a treat, or an emergency remedy, not a staple.
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Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. I am just repeating what Dr. / authors have said. Think of me as a reference librarian.

Updated  March 15, 2003