WHY FAT IS NOT BAD FOR YOU: A article by Dean Esmay

How oils have helped one boy:

Ketogenic diet pages by Loek a better way to control seizures

;If eczema, asthma and allergies run in your family, you have a different way of metabolizing fats than other people. Read Superimmunity for Kids by Leo Galland and Dian Dinchin Buchman. It will change your lives.

Review by Tammy Glasser

I second the motion! Pamela had severe eczema for 3 years...scratching until she bled in the folds of her arms and behind her legs. The doctors told me there was nothing we could do to "cure" it and the medication will only relieve the discomfort when she breaks out. The medication we were given were cortisone creams and Lac Hydrin (which burned open skin and we could not use it very often). The doctors were right about the medication only being a temporary fix, but they were WRONG about there being nothing to be done.

In September of 1995, we cleaned up Pamela's diet even more, put her on supplements (flax oil and anti-oxidants being a key) and we have not had eczema since. I read the book by Leo Galland about a month ago and it provides excellent guidance. Now, I will never say Pamela is cured...she is symptomless and in "remission" ...because I know that if we returned to our old ways, her immune system would weaken and eventually we'd be at square one!! And, by the way, my skeptical mother-in-law visited us last month after not seeing us for 15 months (due to distance). She could not get over how healthy Pamela looked and how strong she was!!! And, she was very impressed at the variety of foods that Pamela ate (although, being gluten and casein free, one would assume we are very limited in what we eat). The non-drug approach is a viable option!!

Dr. Mom elaborates for those who have some knowlege of the subject and no time to read.

So far, we know of two types of heritable ways of metabolizing fatty acids. That is, two possible pathways, each controlled by its own set of enzymes. All humans NEED fats. Most of the ills associated with fats, including obesity, are from the wrong types of fats. There are two, maybe more, types of ESSENTIAL fatty acids. (EFA- essential means just that. You need them to live.)

Most types that occur naturally can be converted one to another. Omega-3 (O3, I'll call it. I need a secretary.) is the kind that most people use to make all their hormones, cell walls and nerve cells. It's primary animal source is cod livers. Primary vegetable source, flax seeds. Some families (ye shall know them by their symptoms) do not have the enzymes to convert O3s to the useful forms. These families need O-6s. The primary source of these is evening primrose and black currant seeds. Their symptoms. (DARN! I thought I could scan this list, but all the good books are out on loan!)

  • excessive thirst
  • dry skin and oily hair
  • frequent urination or bed wetting
  • asthma
  • eczema
  • lots of allergies
  • thin hair
  • weight problems
  • You've seen these sickly-looking kids. You know the type. Usually they are fair-skinned and haired. (I have lately started referring to our Aryan ancestors as genetically inferior.) These families need O6s EFAs, plus magnesium and B6. I found I must give all three to Aubrey at least twice a week during the winter months or he will scratch his knees bloody. And he is my most normal kid.

    If you find any factual errors in what I have remembered, please email me so I can correct it. I am always happy to learn.

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