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Every winter I get a nasty case of what's been diagnosed as contact dermatitis. It's mostly on my hands. My skin gets a rash cracks and bleeds. I also get it where my elbow bends. Water is like acid to me. The only thing that really helps is rubber gloves and cortisone cream. Do you have any thoughts about this? Also my husband has had a problem with bad breath for years now. He was treated for thrush but now another Dr said he doesn't think that's it and told him it might be vitamins. Of course the idiot never told him which ones it could be so Tom just stopped taking all of them...UGH! Any suggestions? Thanks...love having you for second opinions!

(Did they suggest what contact it might be due to?) It sounds more like eczema to me. This used to happen to Aubrey and Devin in the winter. It might be related to milk in your diet. Erin gets eczema which tattles on him when he is drinking milk. The way to cure it, is 2-3 capsules of borage or evening primrose oil capsules a day. Plus, add some magnesium every night before bed. (Like 400 mg.) Put these IN you, not ON you. If those two things, plus cutting out the milk doesn't work, you might also need occasional zinc or B6. Have any PMS problems? Be sure to read the page on essential fatty acids. Rubber gloves may cause you long term problems in the form of latex allergy.

The most usual source of bad breath is milk and milk products. Don't let him have milk products one day, and I bet it disappears. Depending on his blood type, he might now have any business drinking milk at all. Let me know how it goes.

Dr. Mom

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Updated Sunday, July 21, 2002