Dr. Mom's Family Life
by Jason Reimund You know, no matter how you look at it, it seems to me that children are the keepers of life. They are the landlords of curiosity, The commanders of everything new. Every dawn cast upon our great rolling hills, Every brushstroke to our masterpieces, Every thread to our quilt, Every word to our sentence, Every thought to our being was created by a child When life has lost it's wonder, When life has stopped amazing us, When there are no more questions to interest us, When we have become bored, Children give us a way to start all over again. Children, my friend, are our pathways to everything new.
Meet my recombinant DNA experiments:
Did you see Bryn, Aubrey and Devin on Nick News July 6, 1997?!!!! They
were so cute.
They were being interviewed for a segment on SETI.
The producers contacted Paul and asked
if any of our members had kids in their target age group. He
said, "Boy, have we got a deal for you!"
I can't get them all together for a group photo anymore, so they remain
eternally young here. (Actually, we had a family photo taken in December,
but Bryn had his head shaved. And now, he won't get a haircut!
So this remains my favorite picture.)
Standing from L: Devin, Bryn, Aubrey. Seated from L: Erin and Curran
From Left Rear: Devin, Aubrey, Bryn, E*ika
From Left Bottom: Erin, Paul, Muriel, Curran
To see newer
pictures of Aubrey, or the other boys, go to Paul's
personal site.
He has a great page of Curran playing Challenger Little League.
I started having recombinant DNA experiments in 1984. One, every two years roughly, until I had five sons. Boy, oh boy, oh boy. Am I ever hoping for granddaughters! I thought that if I were a really good mother to the boys, God would reward me with a girl. Apparently, She thought I was too good to waste on an easy child. I stay home with the boys and take them to their various appointments. I am divorced and remarried. Each of my sons has one or more special needs. Therefore, I am active in support groups for gifted, learning disabled, ADD and handicapped kids. Five boys, 4 IEPs. This is special education talk. IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan. It means I have to attend so many meetings that the school is thinking of giving me my own desk.
The five Bailey boys live with me and my "Dr. SETI", H. Paul Shuch. Click here for our engagement photo. We were legally married on Dec. 30th, 1996. I will get two anniversaries a year! Paul is the director of the SETI League. You can find out lots more about his work there and see some casual pictures of me there. I gave him Paul's Song Page for life outside of work. Unfortunately, he hasn't given me any songs to put on it yet. I think he is shy. ;-)
You can see a formal picture of me to commemorate my 40th birthday. I actually won it in a Mother's Day Contest. It was a random drawing, but I deserved it more than anyone I know. Do you remember Queen For A Day? It was a TV show where women would tell how hard their lives were so they could win prizes like a new washer. Somebody should give me a year's supply of laundry detergent!
My mother, Joyce led quite an interesting life. She was even declared dead several times. The last one stuck. She even wrote a book, (excerpts coming soon). I am looking for a publisher, (hint, hint).
If you count ADHD, all of the boys, and myself, are special needs. Frankly, I don't consider ADHD a disability. It is a different way of processing information. In fact, I believe that ADHD people are the next wave in human evolution. We are uniquely qualified to process large amounts of information in short time periods.
Granted, worry is part of raising any child. And at some point in their lives, everyone has special needs. For my purposes, a special needs child is one that requires more care and causes more worry than other "typical" children. It can be anything from severe allergies and asthma to the child who cannot move or talk. The degree of trouble varies, but the parents all share something. They know where the good doctors are. They know how to keep a child occupied during the many appointments they must endure. They understand worry and heartbreak better than others. I count parents of other special kids among the finest people I know. ("Lord, couldn't You have blessed someone else?") There is something on the NACD site for all of them.
Each of my sons has one or more special needs. Therefore, I am active in support groups for gifted, learning disabled, ADD and handicapped kids.Five boys, 3 IEPs, one IST case. This is special education talk. IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan. It means I have to attend so many meetings that the school is thinking of giving me my own desk. IST is Instructional Support Team. At our school, this is one teacher and the principal. Their job is to save money for the district by keeping kids out of special ed. so they can save time and money.
So here is a site for special needs kids, by special needs kids.
"Just Because We Have
A disAbility Doesn't Mean We Byte!" (I didn't name it that.)
You should also check out my special education top page. For Mothers of Small Children Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my sanity to keep. For if some peace I do not find, I'm pretty sure I'll lose my mind. I pray I find a little quiet Far from the daily family riot May I lie back--not have to think about what they're stuffing down the sink, or who they're with, or where they're at and what they're doing to the cat. I pray for time all to myself (did something just fall off a shelf?) To cuddle in my nice, soft bed (Oh no, another goldfish--dead!) Some silent moments for goodness sake (Did I just hear a window break?) And that I need not cook or clean-- (well heck, I've got the right to dream) Yes now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my wits about me keep, But as I look around I know-- I must have lost them long ago!
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To Dr. Mom
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Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. I am just repeating what Dr. / authors have said. Think of me as a living book report.
Thursday, December 25, 2003
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