
Polly Black


Over the last several years I have learned many valuable lessons and suffered many heartaches. You see, I am one of the many parents in this country who has a child with a disability. I know it may seem to most that all I talk about is my child's rights. Or how I want my child to be treated the same as all the other children. It is true. I will not be silenced until I see that society has made an effort to treat and respect its members who have special needs. Sometimes I feel that most of you don't understand or even care about the feelings or the well being of the disabled. They are human and they DO have feelings. You may not hear them or see them express themselves, but I promise you, if you took a little extra time out of your busy schedules you, would find that disabled are the most loving and caring people you will ever meet. Children with special needs know who the ones who love and care for them. If you do not want to share in my child's life that is your choice. One day, I hope that you will realize the wonderful times that you missed out by not being a part of the life of one of the most special children God ever put on this earth.

Yes! I admit to having an attitude!   I sometimes feel like screaming out loud to the whole world "YES!  My child is disabled!" Just to stop the staring and rude questions.  I am tired of being pushed aside and ignored by the ones that are supposed to care the most, my family.  I will not accept being shunned or shut out from the world.  No one will treat my child as if she is less than any other.  I admit to periods of bitterness, anger and hatred. Of course I feel that it unfair that I was chosen to take care of a disabled child.  The thing that makes me most angry is to listen to the parents who have healthy, normal children complain about their kids, it almost makes me sick, sometimes I wish for just one day that these parents could live in the shoes of a parent with a child with special needs to just see how lucky they really are. I may not ever experience the joy of watching my child crawl, walk, or even talk, but will just be thankful for the time that I have with her and the joy I have experienced taking care of her. Holidays are really sickening to me, I sit by and watch my child get the baby toys and while normal children receive the toys that are popular and age appropriate. People do not realize that a child who may not walk or talk might enjoy and benefit from popular toys too.

With time, I have learned to deal with these emotions and have realized that I have one of the most precious children in the world. I would not trade or ask for anything to be changed about my child.  I could never love or care for anything more than I do my angel from Heaven.

I realize this letter may have been of no importance or value to the ones reading it, but I have no apologies nor regrets for writing this, I am my child's only advocate and I plan on speaking up loudly so the whole world can hear me.  I pray to God every night that he will give me and my child the strength to beat the odds that seem to be against us. Someday, maybe our world will be one big family instead of it being separated into different categories or social cultures, God created us all equal and can only hope that we all realize that one of these days.


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Updated January 2, 1999