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DPE Services through AvSport LLC -- Hangar B6, Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9), Hollister CA

Common Application Errors

Whether applying for a Sport Pilot practical test using FAA Form 8710-11, or via, there are several common errors which we have encountered, which can significantly delay the completion process. Both applicants and recommending instructors are advised to pay particular attention to these seemingly minor (but inconveniencing) details:
  1. Applicant's Name must be identical on the applicant's photo ID, student pilot certificate, knowledge test certificate, and application. "John Jones," "John C. Jones," and "John Jones Jr." are not considered the same person. If such discrepancies exist, the Designated Pilot Examiner must submit an affidavit indicating that he or she has determined that all of those names do indeed refer to the same person.
  2. Format of Name must always be in the order of Last, First, Middle, Suffix. "Jones, John C. Jr" is correct. "John C. Jones Jr." is not.
  3. All Dates must always be in the format of Month (2 digits), Day (2 digits), Year (4 digits). An example of a correct date entry is: 01/31/1980. Examples of incorrect dates would be 1/31/1980, 01/31/80, Jan 31 1980, 31 Jan 1980, 31/01/1980, etc.
  4. In the Record of Pilot Time matrix, the numbers in the first column ("Total") must always equal the sum of the second ("Instruction Received") and third ("Solo") columns.
  5. In the Record of Pilot Time matrix, "Solo" and "Pilot in Command" figures must be equal.
  6. If Solo Cross Country was performed in an aircraft with a Vh greater than 87 Knots and appropriately equipped, student must first have received instruction in flight solely by reference to flight instruments. (Yes, even for the Sport Pilot license, and even though there is no specific hours requirement for instrument training.) Frequently, we see zero hours logged in the "Instrument" column, or the column left blank.
  7. Watch your Decimal Points. A half-hour flight lasts 0.5 hours, not .05 hours!
  8. Night Training is not required for the Sport Pilot certificate. Even if an applicant had previously pursued a Private Pilot certificate and received some night training, the four columns in the matrix to the right of "Instrument" should be left blank.
  9. The last four columns of the Matrix apply only to glider applicants. If you are applying for a Sport Pilot rating in an airplane, weight shift control, lighter-than-air, gyroplane, or powered parachute, just leave them blank.
  10. Second In Command time is not relevant for Sport Pilot applicants. The boxes marked "SIC" should be left blank.
  11. Recommending Instructor must eSign the application if using IACRA, before the DPE can access it. To allow ample time for DPE review, the eSignature should be accomplished prior to scheduling a checkride.

If using IACRA, Applicants are encouraged to provide their Federal Tracking Number (FTN) to the DPE as soon as the application has been filed and signed by the Recommending Instructor. Doing so a few days prior to the scheduled Practical Test will give the DPE time to review the application and, if noting these or other errors, kick the application back to the Applicant in time for errors to be corrected, and the amended application signed by the Recommending Instructor. It will slow things down considerably if these errors are not corrected prior to the beginning of the Practical Test.

Applicants should check back from time to time, as we expect this list to grow as our applicants continue to find more and more creative ways to screw up their applications!

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This page last updated 1 September 2024
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