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DPE Services through AvSport LLC -- Hangar B6, Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9), Hollister CA

Sport Pilot Special Emphasis Areas

Examiners and authorized instructors shall place special emphasis upon areas of aircraft operations considered critical to flight safety. Among these are:
  1. positive aircraft control
  2. procedures for positive exchange of flight controls
  3. stall and spin awareness (if appropriate)
  4. collision avoidance
  5. wake turbulence and low level wind shear avoidance
  6. runway incursion avoidance
  7. controlled flight into terrain (CFIT)
  8. aeronautical decision making/risk management
  9. checklist usage
  10. spatial disorientation;
  11. temporary flight restrictions (TFR);
  12. special use airspace (SUA);
  13. aviation security; and
  14. other areas deemed appropriate to any phase of the practical test or proficiency check.

Although these areas may not be specifically addressed under each TASK, they are essential to flight safety and will be evaluated during the practical test or proficiency check. In all instances, the applicant’s actions will be evaluated in accordance to the standards of the TASKs and the ability to use good judgment with reference to the special emphasis areas listed above.

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This page last updated 8 June 2024
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