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DPE Services through AvSport LLC -- Hangar B6, Frazier Lake Airpark (1C9), Hollister CA

Flight Instructor Responsibilities

An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training the sport pilot applicant to acceptable standards in ALL subject matter areas, procedures, and maneuvers included in the TASKs within each AREA OF OPERATION in the appropriate Sport Pilot Practical Test Standards.

Because of the impact of their teaching activities in developing safe, proficient pilots, flight instructors should exhibit a high level of knowledge, skill, and the ability to impart that knowledge and skill to students.

Throughout the applicant’s training, the flight instructor is responsible for emphasizing the performance of effective visual scanning and collision avoidance procedures.

Prior to scheduling a practical test, the flight instructor must physically sign the FAA Form 8710-11 application, or e-sign the IACRA application, as Recommending Instructor. He or she is also responsible for ensuring that the Applicant has received all required logbook endorsements, and that the aircraft being used for the practical test meets all airworthiness and documentation requirements.

Recommending instructors are encouraged to attend their students' pretest briefings and post-test debriefs, although they are not permitted to observe the actual Practical Tests.

Recommending Instructors must note that the Examiner is unable to access the application, to develop a Plan of Action, or to begin the test scheduling process, until after the Recommending Instructor has e-signed the application on IACRA.

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This page last updated 7 February 2025
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